Oh wow!

This came in the post last week, just in time for me to take to Woolfest and keep me warm and snuggly when the hot weather suddenly went cold and damp:

Sara shawl 7

Several years ago Sara Lamb and I vaguely agreed on a shawl swap, and when she came over to the UK briefly last summer I presented her with a knitted shawl I'd made for her.  I was particularly pleased to have got the colours right for her too.
Shawl for Sara
So this arrived for me, Sara having taken me at my word when I threw these ideas at her: gold, copper, green, rustic,warm....  I finally remembered to have both the camera and shawl with me when I took the pupz up to Baildon Moor this afternoon:
Sara shawl 6

Sara shawl 4


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