Shiny Teeswater

Teeswater fleece dyed

Yes, the colours really are this intense in real life.  I love the way the lustrous longwools (Teeswater, Wensleydale etc) just glow when richly dyed.

There's a small Romney lamb fleece all dyed up and drying on the racks at the moment.  If I get organised tonight or tomorrow morning before going off to race at Runcorn I shall stuff more fleece in the oven.  Then I can get started on the oatmeal BFL tops. 

And there's quite a bit to pack and label up.  Leia killed a hank of white BFL dyed in Volcano earlier this week, so I shall have to spin what I can salvage myself.  Horrible cat.  Must remember to keep all the fibre wrapped up when the new kitten arrives....
